Saturday, 30 April 2016

Earn 500-700$ Money From your Blog with Popcash Adnetwork

  1. First open Popcash Signup Page.
  2. Fill up the form with right information.
  3. When you form is approved in Popcash they sent mail in your gmail (other mail.)
  4. Now login with your popcash username and password in Popcash.
  5. Here you see control panel of Popcash Adnetwork.
    popcash control panel
  6. Click on Websites and add your website.
    popcash add website
  7. Type of website domain and select category.
    popcash add website
  8. They take few hours for approving your website. When popcash approved your website they sent you another mail.
  9. Get Back to the control Panel and click on Get Code.
    popcash get code
  10. Copy the code and open your google blog.
  11. CLick on layout. Scroll down and click on Add a gadget.
    add a gadget in blog
  12. Select HTML/Javascript wideget and paste your script.
    add a gadget in blog

Why I like Popcash 

Popcash minimum payout is 10$.
Popcash process your money in 7 days.
Realtime updates.
High rates comparing other networks.
Approved any website or blogs.

With this my blog I earn more than 900$ from Popcash adnetwork in months. If you follow this trick you can also earn lots of money through this adnetwork.If you got any problem contact me.

Sign Up for Popcash

Dapatkan 500-900$ Uang dari Blogmu Dengan Popcash Network (Bahasa Indonesia)

  1. Pertama Daftar Di sini
  2. Isi data data dengan benar.
  3. Nanti ada Email Verifikasi dari Popcash
  4. Sekarang login pake Username dan Passwordmu
  5. Ini Dashboardnya Popcash trus klik Websites
    popcash control panel
  6. Click Add a new website
    popcash add website
  7. Pilih kategori Blog/Webmu.
    popcash add website
  8. Popcash butuh waktu sedikit lama untuk nge Approved Website mu. Saat popcash approved websitemu Popcash ngirim email lagi.
  9. Balik ke Dashboard,Click Get code.
    popcash get code
  10. Copy kodenya dan buka blog Googlemu.
  11. Click layout/Tata letak. Skroll kebawah, klik Add a Gadget/Tambahkan Gadget.
    add a gadget in blog
  12. Pilih HTML/JavaScript dan Pastekan kodemu.
    add a gadget in blog

Kenapa aku suka Popcash 

Popcash minimum payout 10$.
Popcash proses uangmu dalam 7 hari.
Realtime updates.
High rates comparing other networks.
Approved any website or blogs.

Dengan ini blog ku udah dapat Sekitar $250, Untuk bertanya lebih bisa Contact facebook ku. Facebook

Sign Up for Popcash

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Stickrun Ultra Rare Items Generator!

Does this tool work?

510 Votes for Yes/ 2 For NO

Works PERFECT Globally-No matter where you stay - US,UK,CA,ID,MY,FL or Anywhere in the world.
Undetectable. You WILL NOT get banned for using this (100% guarantee)
Works on ALL internet browsers (Firefox.Chrome,Safari,Opera...etc)
Tested on daily basis to ensure it's functionality.
If the hack is patched, UPDATE will be done within couple hours. (100% Satisfaction)
How this hack works:
1. Run Stickrun Free Random Ultra Rare!
2. Put your Email & password
3. Click Get Random Ultra!
4. Click the "GET ITEMS!" button
5. Go spend your Items! Enjoy.



Monday, 25 April 2016

Garena Shells Hack!

Does this tool work?

320 Votes for Yes/ 1 For NO

Works PERFECT Globally-No matter where you stay - US,UK,CA or Anywhere in the world.
Undetectable. You WILL NOT get banned for using this (100% guarantee)
Works on ALL internet browsers (Firefox.Chrome,Safari,Opera...etc)
Tested on daily basis to ensure it's functionality.
If the hack is patched, UPDATE will be done within couple hours. (100% Satisfaction)
Shell Limit: 3000 per Generate

Cara Bekerjanya:

 1. Download Filenya dan buka Rarnya, didalam ada File exe, dibuka

2. Masukkan data

3. Masukkan Jumlah Shell nya

4. Tekan tombol "Hack"

5. Bagikan Shell mu dan Enjoy. :)

Bukti Shells:



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